Wednesday 4 November 2015

Kara Boondhi / Spicy balls

Kara Boondhi


Kara  Boondhi


Besan : 1 cup

Salt to taste

Red chilly powder : 1 tsp

Water as required.


In a bowl mix besan with a ladle of water and prepare a paste without any lumps.  Add water gradually , say 1 tbsp at a time , to get pouring consistency of batter.  


Let it rest for 15 mts.

Heat the oil for deep frying in a pan ,… 


Dip a base of a stainless steel spoon in the besan batter and drop of it in the hot oil…. The boondhi  should raise immediately to check the oil is heated or not.  Same time , check the shape of the boondhi…  if it is round in shape… the batter consistency is perfect. 


If the boondhi have tail in it … add a tbsp. of water and try again by dropping in oil.

If the boondhi is flat …  add a tbsp. of besaan and try again by dropping in oil.


When you get the correct consistency of batter …  take boondhi ladle or the ladle with many holes . I have good quality pastic ladle with holes which have slight curve inside, which is very comfortable for me use it for preparing boondhi.  


          Keep the ladle on top of hot oil and pour the batter in the ladle.  Don’t keep too much distance between the oil and ladle with batter. 


As and when you pour batter,  You can spot the drops of besan batter falls in hot oil .   If not,  You can even spread the batter in ladle like dosa,  to get batter easily fall .

Let the pan of oil is filled with boondhi to get it fried.

Fry till bubbles reduced and the colour of boondhi changes to golden brown and the boondhi will be crispy . 

Remove from the oil and spread on a plate.  Sprinkle some salt and red chilly powder , when the boondhi is still hot.

Now before frying for the next batch, wash or finely clean the boondhi ladle so that you will get nice drops of boondhi while frying.


Again, in hot oil, Fry boondhi till the batter finishes in batches and keep sprinkling salt and chilly powder when the boondhi is hot…  keep doing this for all the batches.

When all the boondhis are fried , store it in air tight box .

You can have this boondhi as it is or can also use as one of the items of Mixture. Enjoy Crispy and tasty Spicy Boondhi.  

You can also use this for sprinkling on top of Curd to make it as Boondhi Raitha.


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