Sunday 22 November 2015

Broken Wheat Jaggery Halwa / Godhumai Halwa

Godhumai Halwa / Lapsi Halwa

Broken Wheat Halwa / Godhumai Rawa Halwa  (With Jaggery )
Broken Wheat / Lapsi / Samba Rawa Godhumai : ½ cup
Jaggery : 1 cup
Ghee : ½ cup
Water : 2 cups ( 2/3 + 2/3 + 2/3 )
Cardamom : ¼ tsp

Yield :  10 pieces
          Soak Broken Wheat for 2 hrs. Drain the water.
Grind it using 2/3 cup of water.  Filter and take the thick milk.
Again grind using 2/3 cup of water. Filter and take the medium thick milk and add it to thick milk.
Finally grind using left over 2/3 cup of water and grind and filter to get thin milk.  Add it with the wheat milk taken previously.
Now pour this milk into a tall jar like vessel and keep it aside for an hour.
Remove carefully the top thick layer of the milk .

  And preserve the rest of the milk.
In a broad heavy pan heat the jaggery powder adding a ladle of water. When it melts completely , filter it to remove dust and sand.  Reheat the jaggery syrup and when it comes to soft ball consistency ( when you pour few drops of syrup in water, you could be able to gather the syrup like butter ) add wheat milk gradually and keep stirring to avoid lumps…. Let it cook in low flame.
When the halwa starts thickening, we should start adding ghee.
Ghee should be added in stages .
Add some portion of ghee and keep stirring frequently .
Gradually keep on adding ghee.
Meanwhile keep ready a greased plate.
When you have used all the ghee and the halwa becomes thick and it will start leaving the sides of the Pan.  Mix cardamom powder nicely in it and immediately pour the halwa on a greased plate.

Let it cool down completely and allow it to set.
Cut them into square.
Very soft and healthy Broken Wheat Jaggery Halwa is ready.
Generally we do wheat halwa with jaggery instead of sugar, on Devasam days.
But we can also do this on normal days and enjoy having it.

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