Friday 9 October 2015

Green gram / Pasiparuppu / Moong dal Sundal

Green gram /  Pasiparuppu  Sundal
Green gram / Payatham Paruppu / Moong dal Sundal
Green gram :  1 cup
Carrot :  1 tbsp ( finely chopped )
Cucumber : 1 tbsp ( finely chopped )
Raw mango : 1 tbsp ( finely chopped )
Red Chilly : 2 ( broken )
Curry leaves : 5 ( chopped )
Hing Powder : 2 pinches
Turmeric powder : 2 pinches
Salt to taste
Oil : 1 tbsp
Mustard : ½ tsp
          Soak green gram for half an hour.
Cook green gram + Turmeric powder with sufficient water for 10 mts …  now and then check for doneness .  It should get just cooked , don’t cook too much.  It should be stiff .  Drain the water.
Heat oil and temper with mustard seeds … when it stops popping add red chilly , curry leaves , hing and stir for few seconds. 
Add cooked green gram and salt and mix nicely .
Remove from flame .
Garnish with carrot, mango  and cucumber .
Healthy and Tasty Green Gram sundal is ready .
Can prepare this Sundal during Navrathri days for Neivedhyam. 
Variation :
·       Omit mango and add 1 tbsp of Grated Coconut and 1/4 tsp of Sugar for garnishing. 

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