Monday 19 October 2015

Carrot Payasam / Ghajar ka Kheer

Carrot Payasam /  Ghajar Kheer

Carrot Payasam/ Ghajar ka Kheer


Carrot : ½ cup ( Grated )

Sugar : ½ cup

Full cream Milk : ½ ltr

Badham : 2

Cashews : 5

Raisins : 5

Cardamom : 2

Ghee : 2 tsp

Kesari Colour : 1 pinch

Soak Cashew for half an hour in hot water.

Grate Carrot . 

Fry Carrot in ghee , in low flame for 10 minutes.

Grind fried carrot with soaked cashews to a fine paste.

In a broad heavy pan , Cook Carrot paste + Sugar + colour , in milk,  till the milk reduces to 3/4th  of its quantity , in low flame  .

Stir frequently to avoid spilling .

Fry sliced badham till it becomes nice brown and raisins till it puffs up ….  in half a tsp of ghee .  Switch off and add Cardamom powder, when the ghee is still hot and give a stir .  And immediately  garnish in Carrot Payasam.

Yummy Carrot payasam is ready to serve Hot or Cold.

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