Wednesday 1 June 2016

Muskmelon Juice

Muskmelon Juice.

For a glass of juice you may need :

Musk Melon / Karbuja  :  1/2 cup ( chopped )

Musk Melon Juice :  1/2 cup

Honey : 2 tbsp

Water : 2 tbsp

Ice Cubes : few ( optional )


          Muskmelon fruit is juicy by nature.  Cut them into half.  Make sure to collect the juice from inside while cutting.  Keep this juice aside. 

Remove seeds .

Peel and chop the fruit.

Blend fruit with water .

Mix pulp, honey and the juice you collected while cutting.

Serve in a tall glass and add ice cubes if needed.

Refreshing and colourful Muskmelon juice is ready to serve.


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