Tuesday 25 August 2015

Pottu kadalai / fried gram Sambar.

Pottu kadalai  Sambar... 

Tomato  --  2

 Grated coconut --  3 tbsp

Green chilly - 1

Fried gram ( pottu kadalai ) --  3 tbsp

Cumin seeds  --  ½  tsp

Few  curry leaves

Few Coriander leaves

Grind  all  the  above  ingredients  to a paste.  

Other ingredients needed: 

Tamarind Paste    --  1 tsp

Sambar  Powder  --  3 tsp

 Sugar  -- 1/2 tsp  
Hing / Asafoetida  -  2 pinches
Turmeric  powder --  2 pinches
 Water  -  2 cups.
Chopped  veg  --  ½   cup . ( Carrot,  Capsicum, Pumpkin etc. )

 salt  to  taste


Mix  veg  , water,  salt ,  paste …. Everything together .

  Using  inner  vessel cook in pressure  cooker  for 2 whistles. 

After  opening fry mustard + Curry  leaves  + Red chilly in less oil  . 

Add to your sambar.

Your    'Pottu kadalai  Sambar’  is  Ready to serve with any tiffin . .  



You can prepare tempering in bulk qty and   Store it in fridge .  You can use it for 15 days .     



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