Sunday 19 November 2017

Almond Kheer

Almond Kheer

Very rich, healthy and tasty Almond Kheer is also very easy to prepare.

Almond : ½  cup
Sugar : ¾ cup
Full fat Milk : 2 cups
Cardamom powder : 2 pinches
Ghee :  1 tsp
Saffron : few strands

In a broad non-stick pan pour milk and heat in a low flame.  Let it reduce to half.
Stir in-between .
Meanwhile in ghee fry almonds till it turns little bit brown in colour.
Let it cool.
Powder the almonds in a mixer.
When milk reduced to half of its content, add sugar, almond powder, cardamom powder and saffron strands.
Boil for a 5 to 10 minutes in a low flame.
Keep stirring now and then.
Serve hot or cold .

Delicious Kheer is ready to serve in any special occasion.

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