Thamizh Puthaandu

Saturday 12 September 2015

Rawa Upma / Suji Upma

              Rawa  Upma

Rawa / Suji  : 1 cup

Green chilly : 2  ( chopped )

Ginger : ½ inch ( chopped )

Onion  :  1 chopped ( optional) 

Tomato : 1  chopped ( optional )

Salt to taste

Hing powder : 2 pinches

Cooking oil : 3 tbsp

Water : 2 cups

Curry leaves : Few

Mustard seeds : 1/2  tsp

Bengal gram dal : 1 tsp

          Dry Roast Rawa till it changes its colour lightly. Keep it aside. 

In Pan heat oil.  When its become hot, temper with mustard seeds . Keep the flame to low.  When its popping add dal.  Stir fry till dal turns to golden in colour.  Add green chilliy & stir fry for a couple of minutes. Add Onion & sauté till translucent. Add ginger, curry leaves , hing .  Stir fry lightly and add tomato.  Now keep the flame to high for a couple of mts to fry tomato nicely.  Let it become mushy.   

Meanwhile boil water in another vessel.

Add this hot water and salt and few curry leaves to the pan …

When it comes to boiling stage add roasted rawa  stirring continuously .

Keep the flame in low and close with lid.

After 5 mts mix nicely and close the lid .  Remove from flame.

Give standing time of 10 mts.

Serve hot with Sambar  /  Chutney.


·       Store bought Roasted rawa also need to be roasted again .

·       You can omit tomato and add few drops of lemon juice finally .

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