Thamizh Puthaandu

Thursday 27 October 2016

Carrot Burfi

Carrot Burfi
Burfi with carrot and coconut which melts in mouth.  

Grated Coconut :  ½ cup
Grated Carrot  :  1 + 1/2 cup
Full cream milk :  1 cup
Ghee :  ½ cup
Sugar :  2+ ½ cup
Cardamom powder :  1 tsp

In broad vessel mix milk and sugar…. 
Boil till one string.  (  If you take a drop of syrup and press within two fingers , you’ll get a thin string . )
Add coconut and carrot .
Gradually add ghee …  one tsp at a time.
Cook till all the water gets evaporated and the big bubbles starts forming .  When the burfi starts leaving the sides remove from flame and spread on the greased plate . 
Let it cool for some time.
Mark as a square or diamond shape .  Let it cool completely .
Can remove pieces very easily.

Very tasty Carrot Burfi which really melts into the mouth is ready to serve.  



Rasmalai is a very famous Milk based Bengali sweet.  ‘ Ras’ refers to the juice and ‘Malai’ refers to the milk cream.  Let’s see how to prepare it .

For Paneer balls :

Paneer --  250 grams

Corn flour --  2 tsp

Cardamom powder – ½ tsp

Sugar --  2 tsp

For sugar syrup :

 Water :  2+ ½ cups

Sugar :  1 cup

For Rabdi / Flavored milk :

Full cream Milk :  1 ltr

Sugar :  1 cup

Cashew & Almond :  10 each

Cardamom : 2

Saffron :  few threads .

In food processor knead Paneer .  Can also knead by hands.  Add Corn flour, cardamom and sugar and mix  with the kneaded paneer.

Shape them into equal size disc , roughly about 25 discs.

Making sugar syrup :

Boil sugar & water… let the sugar dissolve completely.  Keep the flame to low and drop half portion of the prepared paneer discs , do not stir .

We have to cook paneer disc in sugar syrup.  Let it cook for 5 minutes with closed disc in low flame.  Remove the lid and cook for 10 more minutes in low flame.    Paneer  may dissolve in sugar syrup if the heat is high. 

Remove first batch of cooked paneer carefully and drop the rest of the discs gently in sugar syrup and cook in the same way.   After it gets cooked, add the 1st batch of cooked paneer  also in the sugar syrup.  Let all the cooked paneer soak in sugar syrup for 2 hrs.

Preparation of Rabdi / Flavored milk :

Soak Almonds in hot water for an hour.  Remove skin.  Grind along with cashews . 

Add Almond Cashew paste and sugar to the full cream milk.  Boil in medium flame till the  quantity reduce to  half of its portion.

Add cardamom powder and saffron .

Remove from flame. 

Very gently squeeze the paneer disc to remove excess sugar syrup and add all the cooked paneer in Rabdi / flavored milk.  Let it soak in flavored milk.

After it comes to room temperature we can refrigerate.

Serve chilled Rasmalai .

Garnish with sliced Almond and saffron threads.

Very soft Rasmalai is ready to serve.