Thamizh Puthaandu

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Sago / Javvarisi / Sabudhana Payasam

Sago  /  Sabudhana  Payasam

Sago  /  Javvarisi /  Sabudhana  Payasam

Sago ( big variety )  :   ¼  cup

Granulated Sugar :  ½  cup 

Water : 1 cup

Full cream Milk  :  Half a liter

Badham  : 6

Saffron  threads : 4

Cashews :  6 ( chopped )

Cardamom :  2  ( powder it )

Ghee : 1 tsp

          Soak Badham  for 5 hrs in hot water.   Peel the skin and  Grind nicely .    Keep it aside.  

Soak  Sago for 2 hrs in milk .    It would have become double the size now.  

Cook Sago adding water ,  till it becomes translucent,  in low flame.  Keep stirring to avoid spilling.   

When it is cooked nicely add sugar powder , badham paste , saffron and cook for 5 minutes in low flame .  Now and then keep stirring.

Remove from flame.

In ghee fry cashews and when it becomes golden brown add cardamom powder and immediately pour over Payasam.

Yummy  Sago Payasam is ready to serve Hot or Cold .

·        If you want thick version like Kheer , add less quantity of water and can cook directly in milk.

·       If you don’t have granulated sugar ,  take ½ cup + one ladle of sugar and powder it in the mixer grinder.  

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